
Photo of Tyler Kinkade

I’m a data scientist, software engineer, researcher, and educator. Through my applied linguistics research in Japan, I became interested in computational linguistics and computer science, and I am currently studying for a master’s in computer science. I’m interested in collaborating on technology development projects solving interesting problems. I’m most excited about working on projects that help people and advance knowledge.


Computer Science, MS, University of Colorado (in progress)

Computer Science, BS, University of Colorado

Education, MS, Temple University

Chemical Engineering, BS, (Environmental Emphasis, Biochemistry Minor), University of Colorado


Conference Presentations

Kinkade, J. T. (2019, November 3). Building vocabulary and agency with an online app [Juried poster presentation]. JALT2019 45th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Nagoya

Kinkade, J. T. (2019, June 19). English learning and learner beliefs [Invited paper presentation]. 2019 Kanagawa University Humanities Society New Member Welcome Lecture, Yokohama

Kinkade, J. T. (2016, February 7). Japanese university students’ English proficiency, receptive lexical knowledge, and written lexical use [Juried poster presentation]. 18th Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Tokyo

Kinkade, J. T. (2015, November 21). Understanding commerce high school learners’ needs [Juried poster presentation]. JALT2015 41st Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Shizuoka

Kinkade, J. T. (2015, February 7). Motivating Japanese technical high school students in required English courses [Juried paper presentation]. 17th Temple University Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Osaka

Kinkade, J. T. (2014, December 14). Enhancing technical high school English students’ motivation [Juried poster presentation]. JALT Learner Development Creating Community, Learning Together Conference, Tokyo

Kawakami, K., Nakazono, Y., Kinkade, J. T., Shindome, K., & Little, R. (2013, November 14). Effective team teaching workshop [Invited workshop panel]. Kagoshima Prefecture ALT Skill Development Conference